I am a relative newbie to the world of essential oils, I'll admit. I know that there are dangers to using some of them (can't be used topically or internally) and I don't think I know enough to go monkeying about experimenting without knowing more. That being said, there are a few I have in my arsenal that I am definately wondering how I ever lived without.
One of those is tea tree oil.
For those of you who don't know, tea tree oil is also called melaluca oil. It is from a plant that is unique to Australia. It has a wonderfully clean fragrance and has been used in aroma therapy for bringing relief to cold/flu symptoms and persistant coughs. I have added it to my tooth powder/paste* and deodorant. But what else can I use it for? Here are ten neat ways to try this nifty oil.
*Tea tree can not be used internally so if you are using it for tooth powder/paste, don't swallow it!
1. Add a few drops to a vaporizer to help relieve congestion.
2. Use to treat danruff and dry scalp.
3. Add a few drops to your bath water. This helps with body odor and has a mild anti-bacterial effect.
4. Use a dab to treat acne
5. mix 15 drops into a quart of water to use as an insect repellant (spray on your body)
6. Put a few drops into a load of laundry to help clothes smell fresher
7. Use it to treat athletes foot: Keep foot clean and dry. Add Tea Tree Oil directly to the affected area as needed until fungus is completely healed. If the oil is makes the skin sensitive, dilute in a carrier oil like Almond, Olive or Grape seed oil.
8. Make a germ killing cleaner by adding several drops to a spray bottle filled with water.
9. For fleas on dogs dilute 8-10 drops of oil into a cup of water and spray onto the pet's coat. (Dogs only please, cats do to much licking to use essential oils on).
10. For dry skin mix 6-7 drops of tea tree oil per oz. of almond oil or jojoba oil and apply the mixture to affected area.
Pretty darn cool!