Friday, September 14, 2012

Ten Uses for Coconut Oil

Hi guys! Just a quickie today! I thought since we've been using so much coconut oil around here I'd explore some of the other uses. I'm loving the stuff!

1. Use it as a moisturize. This can be for the body and feet or even the face (lightly).
2. Use it to cook with instead of butter or vegetable oil. For this, I personally prefer the refined coconut oil. YES, I know virgin is better, less processed and all...but virgin has a very distinct COCONUT taste and it's off putting to me in a lot of cooking.
3. Add a tablespoon to your coffee.
4. Spread it on toast and then sprinkle with cinnamon for what is (reportedly since I am off bread) the BEST cinnamon toast in the world!
5. Add a tbsp to your smoothies to help you feel fool and help keep your blood sugar even.
6. Use it plain as deodorant. Just rub a little under your armpits and off you go!
7. Use it to treat minor cuts and bruises. Just a little like you would use neosporin. The oil has a mild antibiotic property.
8. Use it as a hair conditioner. Either rub it in and rinse out while in the shower or do a hot oil treatment with it, pouring warmed coconut oil onto your hair and letting it sit for 30 mins before rinsing.
9. Use it for Oil Pulling. I was going to try this but heard it can be rough if you have fillings in your teeth so I opted out, as my mouth is full of fillings, sadly.
10. Use it instead of shaving cream.

Okay, these are ones I knew about. I did a quick search and found THIS blog post with an amazing 122 uses for coconut oil! Check it out!


  1. I can vouch for the deodorant properties. My daughter and I made a batch of antiperspirant/deodorant with it and it really works though...the baking soda in the ingredients is tough on the skin. Very drying!
