Friday, July 27, 2012

15 things to do indoors when it's HOT

Summer is all about the great outdoors! But for some kids, for instance those who are medically fragile or prone to serious asthma, staying out of the extreme heat is a MUST. These kids may do better inside with air conditioning that will filter the air and dehumidify. But this isn't exactly the most fun way to spend a glorious summer. So, what can you do to help combat it? Here are som ideas for some indoor fun to help with the summertime blues.

15. Let your kids help you make a "mixed tape" of fun summer songs. Use only what you have already downloaded or have on CDs around the house!

14. Visit the local pet shop. Make a game out of it by counting how many different kinds of fish, birds and rodents they have. (The tricky part of this is NOT coming home with a new pet....)

13. Play the story game. One person starts a story and stops after two sentences. The next family member picks up there and so on and so on. The las time we played this, the hero of our story ended up driving a car made of a corn cob that used butter for's also a GREAT car game for long trips!

12. Print off several free coloring pages. encourage your kids to tell you a story about each page they complete.

11. Pop a big bowl of air popcorn and sit around in the dark with flashlights, telling eachother ghost stories.

10. Let your kid teach you how to play chess. You'll be surprised what rules he suddenly comes up with!

9. Make popsicles:

8. Set up an indoor picnic down in the basement. Make sure to make a BIG pitcher of lemonade with fresh lemons slices inside!

7. Make microwave smores:

6. Get the kids into the bath tub and let them each have a bottle of bubbles. Spray them down with the shower with cool (but not cold water) for some "sprinkler" fun.

5. Join a local library book club and make a contest out of trying to read more books that is each childs goal. Celebrate at the end with build your own ice cream sundaes!

4. Go cloud watching INSIDE. Sit with you kids and study the clouds out the window. Encourage your kids to draw the clouds they see and make them into animals, even wild monsters!

3. Sign up for indoor activities at the YMCA. Many have open gym for playing basketball, indoor swimming pools and karate classes that are all held indoors.

2. Go on a scavenger hunt at your local mall. Make a list of items for kids to find and break into teams (include an adult in each team!) Treat the winners (and loosers) to a treat at the food court.

1. Make a weekly baking date with your kids. Teach them to bake using simple recipes and uses their creations for desert that night, or for snacks for the next few days.

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